Human Connection is not a Blood Connection - its a Heart Supply Connection !
Babies born with our Blood is a Blood !
Maternity Center Unknown Exchange of Babies to us, we would still consider as Blood, isn’t it ? As we are unaware of the facts.
Blood is a mental consideration and feelings are the Heart Supply.
So why not couples consider their partners as blood ? It’s a feeling of heart supply. Why there are difference in two adults?
Why couples don’t consider partner as family ? Prior to marriages or post marriages why still the partners end up fighting and leaving the blood feeling and get separated ? and tell me one thing. I dont get it, couple have sex and also live like a married couples but get scared of signing marriage bond. Marriage is just a paper - but human head is so patternized and scared of this paper and so scared of assets and insurance or business and the divorce thingie - this evil feeling of future to live happily kills it all !
Why couples get attracted to table besides or to new touch ? Why couples disappear the feeling of the first meet ? Why they go around to get the feeling of first meet with someone new ? This new will also get old , Remember !!! Why couples don’t sit and talk about how they feel and one explains another in the same way a mother or father would explain to their kids.
Why there is ego? Ego is not inside you.. ego is you itself! Why the ego with partners who you loved too deep ? Will the ego be with your own kids ? no right ? as you consider them as blood.
All the men out there - Do you remember how hard you tried to impress to get your woman at first date ? Why not maintain it by thinking you have to impress your woman every single day of your life. A woman who loves you truely makes her man as her world and would always sacrifice herself to the man and to her children.
A women or men should always love the choices of each other and say yes to it even though she / him doesn’t like it. And what happens they end up kissing with care and see each other with love. eg : man would like to play games and woman may like dancing - so eachother shall love each other hobbies
Remember :
All New touch of skin will get old.
Talk to your partners and get the answers to the questions going in your head
If one wants to have lovely smiling family need to be open to each other
Never go to bed heavy heart
Kiss the way you wanted to kiss each other at first time
Keep the excitement on
Don’t take each other for granted
Life is short and no one wants to die alone or unhealthy
Enjoy the air of love. Enjoy the words of each other . Feel and enjoy the touch of skin as he felt at first.
Family it’s not about adjustments. It’s about understanding as every human is different and has different choices and who wants to walk with their own shadow huh
Don’t we all wanna grow in our professionalism? We all do right ! So why not grow the same and build successful joint venture mentally and heart bonding with partners.
who doesn’t want to say we are married for 40 years and more ? Who doesn’t wanna see the smiles of kids in the house and yards. Who doesn’t wanna see the ocean and stars when at 80 and drinking bears at the beachside. Don’t grow old with the age, be spontaneous and adventurous. Don’t take for granted and respect the human heart. It’s a very delicate organ in humans. One never knows who gets hurt deep and can cause a damage to the organ which use to be so precious to him/ her. Keep the preciousness feeling always alive.
Sexuality attractions happens when we loose all these things in each other. Some couples believe in open relationships and exploring sexuality in others. By doing this, you loose the attraction towards your partner and might end up somewhere you don’t wanna see yourself. Be careful couples in the moves you take.
Love is beautiful and Life is short so enjoy the movement of each other
Feel the love in air every single day .. feel the butterflies in you every single day
Cherish the movements of love and show to your children the love you build so they follow the same steps.
We don’t wanna see our children suffering and the same goes to you guys, so don’t suffer and give pain to each other
Live lively and spread smiles.. kiss more ... hug more ... look into those eyes and feel the love